Legal information
Athesia Tyrolia Druck GmbH
Exlgasse 20
A – 6020 Innsbruck
phone: +43 512282911-0
communication regarding personal data:
Capitale sociale: EUR 2.526.260 i.p.
Registrazione presso la Camera di Commercio di Innsbruck (C.C.i.A.A.) Nr.: 8484
Registro imprese e codice fiscale: ATU37126007
Partita IVA: ATU37126007
Società del gruppo Athesia SpA soggetta a direzione e coordinamento ai sensi dell’art. 2497-bis C.C. ital.
Any information provided in this document is intended only for the person and/or company to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential documents and/or confidential material. Any modification, disclosure, dissemination or other use of the information submitted by persons and/or companies other than the addressees indicated may constitute a breach of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and a breach of confidentiality of the information. If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender and delete this information from all media without making any copy, neither in whole nor in part, in any form. The intellectual property rights to the contents contained herein, including the images, are the property of the corresponding companies of the Athesia Group and any use other than that for which they were transmitted is prohibited. Replies to this letter and, in general, correspondence sent to this e-mail address may be known within the sender's organisation in accordance with the procedures described in the Regulations for the use of the Athesia Group's IT tools.